Third Mission
Humanitas University for society
Third Mission refers to the economic, social and cultural impact that the University’s activities have on society, alongside its two traditional missions, namely teaching and research.

What is the Third Mission
Third Mission refers to the positive transformation generated by the University for the economy, society, culture, health, the environment (possibly in connection with the results of scientific research produced by the Institution) or, more generally, it refers to the fight against economic, social and territorial inequalities in order to increase the quality of life in a territorial context (local, regional, national, European or international). The term also refers to the reduction or prevention of damage, risks, or other negative externalities.
The role of the university has changed over time and it has increasingly become a key player of the territory, creating and disseminating knowledge to the entire community. This is why our commitment covers different areas, with the aim of engaging with the outside world in the process of research and innovation.
Our fields of action
Clinical trials and health protection initiatives
Our research, which is closely integrated with the IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas, is financed both by private companies whose aim is to create a new product to be marketed (e.g. drugs) and by the non-profit sector, whose main purpose is to contribute to public health, with a particular interest in improving the wellbeing of patients, regardless of the economic result of the product tested.
Lifelong learning and open education
Through Humanitas EDU we offer lifelong learning activities for students, trainees, professionals and companies. Courses are offered online, in-presence and in hybrid mode.
In 2022, 92 E.C.M. courses and 111 Formazione Continua courses were organised.
Knowledge Dissemination and Public Awareness Raising
It is important to ensure that science and research results are shared with the public, so that they can be understood by non-specialists and support social development. Therefore, with our lecturers and researchers we are engaged in various knowledge and awareness-raising activities.
In 2022, the University participated in:
- 15 events raising awareness for research and science and of general interest (e.g. Researchers’ Night, Univax Day, Settimana Viva, Sports Festival, BLSD courses)
- Over 200 publications (printed and digital) targeting the general public
- More than 100 videos, video interviews, directs and social pills
- 8 health protection initiatives (prevention and screening campaigns)