Video games to relieve stress

Some studies have recently proven a positive effect of playing video games: They can actually help reduce our stress levels!

Video Games and Stress

Video games are often seen as stressful, or even psychologically harmful, and a few studies have shown that stressful in-game situations led players to become more reactive to stress in real life.

On the other hand, another study has shown that there is no clear link between video games and stress increases. Also, the gamers’ reactions in a lab are not necessarily the same as they would have in the outside world.

One study focused on the effects of competitive or cooperative games. Those who played together, at the end of the game, felt overall less stressed, even if the stress decrease could be considered a considerable one.

Another study – involving 1614 gamers – showed that video games can be a useful coping tool after experiencing stressful situations – whether they are personal or professional ones – and can help during recovery.

Using Video Games to Relieve Stress

Video games can be a useful tool to develop more emotional awareness and coping skills. In fact, while playing, gamers can find useful strategies to handle their negative emotions, as shown by a Dutch study.  These strategies could include trying to solve a problem on their own, or by asking for support from the other players. The key element was maintaining a healthy balance by monitoring their own feelings – the so-called interoceptive awareness.

Having an emotional balance is a fundamental part of healthy coping skills, that can also be developed while playing video games.

According to another study, action-based video games can also sharpen the player’s cognitive abilities – like reaction speed, which allow gamers to think faster and be more oriented to finding a solution, resulting in a general decrease in someone’s stress.

Video Games to Play to Relieve Stress

Here is a practical list of suggestions concerning the types of video games that can be useful to reduce your stress:

  • Casual games, that can be played even for just a few minutes. They are quick, not very stressful, and allow players to have a break. A famous example is Animal Crossing.
  • Cooperative games, featuring challenges requiring the presence of other players. Not only they offer the chance to connect with others, but they can also feel comforting and empowering. Also, they can help build problem-solving skills and a virtual support system.
  • Games with stress-management features, that are explicitly created to help the players manage their stress. Some of them can train meditating, while others teach management skills, such as Champions of Shenga, which encourages the practice of emotional mastery and empowers the players.
  • Games to build specific abilities or skills, that can teach you a few tricks to feel less stressed, more solution-oriented, and organized. An example is Big Brain Academy.
  •  Any games you really like because they can be a powerful stress reliever!

Video Games NOT to Play to Relieve Stress

Ultimately, if you like playing a specific game, it will probably be a good stress reliever for you. The most important thing is considering your own feelings: If a video game makes you feel stressed and nervous, you should probably avoid it!


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