The Specialty School of Ophthalmology at the Milano Relay Marathon
The Milano Relay Marathon took place on Sunday, 7th April 2024; a non-competitive relay race and heart of the Charity Programme of the Milano Marathon.
Twelve residents from the School of Specialty in Ophthalmology took part in the event, led by the Director, Prof. Mario Romano – Full Professor at Humanitas University.
The students were divided into three relay teams, one formed by girls only and the other two of boys.

Each team completed the entire relay route divided into 4 sections:
1st section 14 km
2nd section 8 km
3rd section 6 km
4th section 14 km
Prof. Romano led the trainees and ran the entire 42km marathon in 3:14 hours.
Congratulations to the Hunimed runners for finishing the race on time, but especially for demonstrating the effectiveness and the importance of teamwork in any field.