Prostate cancer: live surgery from the operating theatre directed by Prof. Nicolò Buffi

On 23rd May 2024, at the Humanitas Research Hospital, the course Prostate Cancer – From a precise diagnosis to a tailored treatment was held: a training appointment for Italian and international residents entirely dedicated to the treatment of prostate cancer, with Live Surgery sessions from the operating theatres.

The course was organised and coordinated by Prof. Nicolò Buffi – Director of the School of Specialisation in Urology at Humanitas University – in collaboration with Dr. Paolo Casale, Dr. Giovanni Lughezzani and Dr. Omid Sedigh from Humanitas Gradenigo, and it focused on ultrasound diagnosis of prostate cancer and focal treatment, a cutting-edge technique for which Humanitas is one of the reference centres.

“Learning this technique,” says Prof. Nicolò Buffi, ” is an opportunity to gain a closer insight into precision medicine and, therefore, be able to give many patients an extra chance. The goal is always to define the best treatment pathway for each person based on their characteristics and needs. In this sense, focal therapy is proving to be increasingly effective, and the data from our Operating Unit were also confirmed during the last Congress of the American Society of Urology’.

The course was a unique training opportunity for our trainees to become acquainted with precision medicine and learn from the very best professionals.


Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.