Medicine and MEDTEC School White Coat Ceremony 2024

Yesterday marked a pivotal moment in the academic journey of our third-year Medical and MEDTEC students as they took centre stage during the renowned White Coat Ceremony. The event symbolises the transition from classroom learning to practical application in clinical settings: by donning their white coats for the first time, our aspiring physicians embraced the responsibilities and privileges of their chosen vocation.

The ceremony began with a speech from Prof. Luigi Maria Terracciano – Rector of Humanitas University, who emphasised the white coat’s symbolism of trust and responsibility in the medical profession.

Following him, Eng. Riccardo Bui – General Manager of Humanitas Research Hospital, and Dr. Michele Lagioia – Chief Medical Officer, extend their warm welcome to our students who will be working alongside seasoned doctors, gaining invaluable hands-on experience but also fostering essential relationships that will guide them throughout their careers.

Finally, Professors Alessio Aghemo – Head of Biomedical Sciences Department, Isabella Barajon – Medicine and Surgery President, Maria Laura Costantino – MEDTEC School President, and Maurizio Cecconi – MEDTEC School Vice President, highlighted the core values of empathy, patient-centred care, and resilience that every doctor must embody.

The ceremony concluded with reciting the Declaration of Geneva, which served as a powerful commitment to uphold the codes of compassion, integrity, and respect for human dignity.

Here’s to a future filled with promise, growth, and unwavering dedication to the science of medicine. May this new journey begin!


Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.