“Health in Prisons”: the latest event in collaboration with Libera
Last Friday, Humanitas University hosted the seminar “Health in Prisons”, an event organised in collaboration with Libera.
The following speakers took the stage during the event: Dr. Michele Lagioia – Health Director of Humanitas Research Hospital; Prof. Angela Della Bella – Full Professor in Criminal Law at “Università degli Studi di Milano”; Dr. Maddalena Casana – Infectious Disease Specialist at Humanitas Research Hospital; Dr. Serafino De Giorgi – Director of the Department of Mental Health ASL Lecce and President of the Italian Society of Social Psychiatry and Dr. Paolo Setti Carraro – Humanitarian Surgeon.
Each professional shared his knowledge and experience on the management of healthcare professionals in Italian prisons: they illustrated the essential role of Health Professionals in this context and they analysed the prison population lifestyle, with the aim of increasing awareness.