First Graduate of 2017 Shares her Story of Becoming a Doctor

Some find that medicine is more than just a profession, it is a calling. In order to be a doctor you need to have motivation and inspiration pushing you through the years of studies and the difficult challenges both inside and outside of the hospital. Truly wholehearted will and determination are necessary to overcome obstacles and finally be able to take your oath, don your white coat and call yourself a doctor.

Florina Iltus comes from Israel and is the first Hunimed medical graduate of 2017. In this video she shares with us her experience at Hunimed and the first part of her route to become a doctor:

Applications for non-European students are now open. Find out how to apply:


Find out more about Studying Medicine at Humanitas University

When did you realize that you wanted to be a doctor?

I was about 21. I wanted to have a big adventure, so I started to look for opportunities in the medical university life and I explored Europe as my first choice. I had many options, then I focused mainly on Italy because of the cultural similarities between Israeli’s and Italians

Where do students of Humanitas University come from? What do you think of your fellow Italians?

From Europe, Eastern Europe, from Africa, from the Middle East, from South America and many other places. We all become friends immediately. Italians are special.

What makes Hunimed special?

Hunimed for me is a family. 

What is the role of tutors?

Humanitas is a very good place to study, also for this point. You have tutors willing to teach you by every way they can. I feel like I learnt so much more from the clerkships with our tutors.

Would you recommend Humanitas University to a friend?

Definitely, I would recommend it. 

Leave a message to prospective student.

Just dream big, and do it. Don’t be afraid. And when you do it, be kind to each other, because it’s not a contest, everyone of us will be a doctor in the end and you will probably work together in the future. So just be kind, and love it, and have courage.

What are your plans for the future?

…and what about your plans?

Find out how to apply for Humanitas University Medical School:



Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.