Marco Rasile earned a master’s degree in Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine – Neuroscience curriculum – in 2012 and a PhD in Morphological Sciences at the University of Milan (Italy) in 2016. During his PhD, he studied the effects of infection-mediated maternal immune activation (MIA) on offspring’ brain development, a non-genetic animal model of psychiatric disorders.
In 2019 Marco temporary joined the McCarthy lab (Baltimore, MD) to investigate sexual di-morphisms in cerebrovascular development. In 2021 Marco joined the BraYn Conference brayniacs.
At present, Marco works in the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Brain Pathology headed by Prof. Matteoli at Humanitas Research Hospital and, since 2014, he is a lecturer in Human Anatomy courses for Nursing and Physiotherapy degree programmes at Humanitas University.
The main research focus is the neurovascular unit (NUV) and the investigation of it in physiological and pathological contexts, ranging from the development of the NVU under virus-induced inflammation to the modification of the clearance process during ageing.
- Prenatal interleukin 6 elevation increases glutamatergic synapse density and disrupts hippocampal connectivity in offspring. Filippo Mirabella, Genni Desiato, Sara Mancinelli, Giuliana Fossati, Marco Rasile, Raffaella Morini, Marija Markicevic, Christina Grimm, Clara amegandjin, Alberto Termanini, Clelia Peano, Paolo Kunderfranco, Graziella DiCristo, Valerio Zerbi, Elisabetta Menna, Simona Lodato, Michela Matteoli, Davide PozziImmunity – 2021
- Neurological consequences of the neurovascular unit and brain vasculature damages: potential risks for pregnancy infections and covid-19-babies. Marco Rasile, Eliana Lauranzano, Filippo Mirabella and Michela MatteoliThe FEBS Journal – 2021
- A Microfluidic Human Model of Blood–Brain Barrier Employing Primary Human Astrocytes.Eliana Lauranzano, Elena Campo, Marco Rasile, Raffaella Molteni, Marco Pizzocri, Lorena Passoni, Lorenzo Bello, Davide Pozzi, Ruggero Pardi, Michela Matteoli and Ana Ruiz‐MorenoAdvanced Biosystems – 2019
- Maternal immune activation delays excitatory-to-inhibitory GABA switch in the offspringIrene Corradini*, Elisa Focchi*, Marco Rasile, Raffaella Morini, Genni Desiato, Romana Tomasoni, Michela Lizier, Elsa Gherardini, Riccardo Fesce, Diego Morone, Isabella Barajon, Flavia Antonucci, Davide Pozzi and Michela MatteoliBiological Psychiatry – 2017 *Contributed equally
- Amyloid-β 1–24 C-terminal truncated fragment promotes amyloid-β 1–42 aggregate formation in the healthy brainSonia Mazzitelli*, Fabia Filipello*, Marco Rasile*, Eliana Lauranzano, Chiara Starvaggi-Cucuzza, Matteo Tamborini, Davide Pozzi, Isabella Barajon, Toni Giorgino, Antonino Natalello and Michela Matteoli*Contributed equallyActa Neuropathologica Communications – 2016 doi: 10.1186/s40478-016-0381-9