- Specialization in Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, University of Milano (1981)
- Specialization in Oncology, University of Genoa (1984)
Previous Academic Roles
Adjunct Professor in the following Residency Schools:
- Radiology and Imaging Diagnostics (University of Insubria)
- Oncology (University of Insubria)
- General Surgery (University of Insubria)
- Oncology (La Sapienza S. Andrea University, Rome)
- Maxillofacial Surgery (La Sapienza University, Rome)
- Otolaryngology (La Sapienza University, Rome)
- Otolaryngology (Agostino Gemelli Catholic University, Rome)
- Otolaryngology (University of Pisa)
- Otolaryngology (University of Brescia)
Scientific and Research Interests
Clinical Research interests
- Tumor markers in Head and Neck tumors
- Therapeutic integration in Head and Neck Oncology
- TransOral Robotic Surgery for oropharyngeal and laryngeal tumors
- Reconstructive Microsurgery
Scientific Research interests:
- Phase I, II and III Studies in Head and Neck Oncology
- Oncogenomics and Epigenetics in Head and Neck Oncology
- Study of the prognostic impact of microRNA in Head and Neck Tumors
- Study, Validation and Implementation of Liquid Biopsy technique in Head and Neck Oncology
Additional Information
- 2014-2015: President of the Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
- 2018: Chairman of the ECHNO European Congress (European Head and Neck Society)
- 2019: Chairman of the IAOO World Congress (International Academy of Oral Oncology)
- 2022: Chairman of the IFHNOS World Congress (International Federation Head and Neck Oncological Societies)