- 2001 – 2007 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Degree in Medicine cum laude and mention of honor
- 2008 – 2014 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele , Specialization in General Surgery cum Laude
- 2010 – 2011 Montreal General Hospital, Steinberg-Bernstein Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Mc Gill University, Quebec, Canada, Research Fellow
- 2011 – 2013 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Tutor and Adjunct Teaching Professor
- 2014 – 2019 Humanitas Research Hospital, Staff surgeon, Pancreatic Unit and ER
- 2016 – 2019 Humanitas University, Adjunct Clinical Professor and Adjunct Teaching Professor
- 2016 – 2017 Humanitas University, Advanced Training Course in Clinical Epidemiology
- 2019 – Present Humanitas University, Assistant Professor, General Surgery
His clinical and translational research activity is focused on the surgical treatment of pancreatic diseases, oncologic, minimally invasive and general surgery, improvement of postoperative recovery and outcomes.
He actively participate to the creation and implementation of prehabilitation and enhanced recovery pathways in national and international hospitals.
He is actually involved in multiple multicenter international and national studies on topics related to pancreatic surgery. He is member of national and international surgical and pancreatic associations and actively works as reviewer for majors surgical peer-reviewed journals.
He is author/co-author of scientific publications including papers on peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and congress abstracts with more than a thousand citations.
- Application of minimally invasive pancreatic surgery: an Italian survey; Capretti G., Boggi U., Salvia R., Belli G., Coppola R., Falconi M., Valeri A., Zerbi A. Updates in Surgery, Volume 71, Issue 1, 1 March 2019, Pages 97-103
- The number of metastatic lymph nodes is a useful predictive factor for recurrence after surgery for nonmetastatic nonfunctional neuroendocrine neoplasm of the pancreas; Capretti G., Nappo G., Smiroldo V., Cereda M, Branciforte B., Spaggiari P., Carrara S., Preatoni P., Gavazzi F., Ridolfi C., Donisi G., Lania A., Zerbi A. Gastroenterology Research and Practice, Volume 2019, Article number 6856329
- Management and Outcomes of Pancreatic Resections Performed in High-Volume Referral and Low-Volume Community Hospitals Lead by Surgeons Who Shared the Same Mentor: The Importance of Training; Capretti G., Balzano G., Gianotti L., Stella M., Ferrari G., Baccari P., Zuliani W., Braga M., Zerbi A. Digestive Surgery, 10 March 2017
- Overuse of surgery in patients with pancreatic cancer. A nationwide analysis in Italy; Balzano G., Capretti, G., Callea G., Cantù E., Carle F., Pezzilli R. HPB, Volume 18, Issue 5, 1 May 2016, Pages 470-478
- Spatial distribution of B cells predicts prognosis in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma; Castino G., Cortese N., Capretti G., Serio S., Di Caro G., Mineri R., Magrini E., Grizzi F., Cappello P., Novelli F., Spaggiari P., Roncalli M., Ridolfi C., Gavazzi F., Zerbi A., Allavena P., Marchesi F. OncoImmunology, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2 April 2016