- 1990 Degree in Veterinary Medicine. Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy.
- 1991-1994 Research assistant, Immunology Lab, Inst. Ricerche Farmacologiche “Mario Negri“, Milan.
- 1994-1995 Visiting fellow, Département de Biologie Moléculaire et Structurale- Unité INSERM 217-Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Grenoble, France.
- 1996-2004 Research assistant, and 2004-2005 Unit Head (Experimental Immunopathology) in the Laboratory of Immunology, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche “Mario Negri“, Milan.
- From September 2005 Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Immunopathology in the Dept. of Research in Immunology, Humanitas Clinical and Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan.
- From September 2015 Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology, Humanitas University.
- From May 2017 Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology, Humanitas University, Rozzano, Milan.
My expertise is related to innate immunity and regulation of inflammatory responses.
My activity has been focused on the functional characterization of original molecules of the immune system, in particular of the long pentraxin PTX3 in innate immune responses to pathogens of fungal, bacterial or viral origin, and in the regulation of inflammatory responses in conditions of infections or tissue damage, such as wound healing and cancer.
I contributed to characterize the diagnostic potential of PTX3 in human inflammatory diseases and I am now involved in the translation of PTX3 to the clinic as therapeutic and diagnostic tool in infectious diseases.
I also focused on IL-1R8/SIGIRR, a member of the family of IL-1 Receptors and Toll Like Receptors, acting as a negative regulator of inflammatory and immune responses triggered by TLR engagement and by IL-1 family members, in the context of inflammatory diseases, infections, autoimmunity and cancer.
- Garlanda C., Hirsch E., Bozza S., Salustri A., De Acetis M., Nota R., Maccagno A., Riva F., Bottazzi B., Peri G., Doni A., Vago L., Botto M., De Santis R., Carminati P., Siracusa G., Altruda F., Vecchi A., Romani L. and Mantovani A. – Non-redundant role of the long pentraxin PTX3 in anti-fungal innate immune response. Nature. 420: 182-186, 2002.
- Garlanda C., Dinarello C. A. and Mantovani A. – The interleukin-1 family: back to the future. Immunity. 39: 6, 1003-18, 2013. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24332029.
- Jaillon S., Moalli F., Ragnarsdottir B., Bonavita E., Puthia M., Riva F., Barbati E., Nebuloni M., Cvetko Krajinovic L., Markotic A., Valentino S., Doni A., Tartari S., Graziani G., Montanelli A., Delneste Y., Svanborg C., Garlanda C. and Mantovani A. – The Humoral Pattern Recognition Molecule PTX3 Is a Key Component of Innate Immunity against Urinary Tract Infection. Immunity. 40: 4, 621-32, 2014. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24745336.
- Bonavita E., Gentile S., Rubino M., Maina V., Papait R., Kunderfranco P., Greco C., Feruglio F., Molgora M., Laface I., Tartari S., Doni A., Pasqualini F., Barbati E., Basso G., Galdiero M. R., Nebuloni M., Roncalli M., Colombo P., Laghi L., Lambris J. D., Jaillon S., Garlanda C.* and Mantovani A.* – PTX3 is an extrinsic oncosuppressor regulating complement-dependent inflammation in cancer. Cell. 160: 4, 700-14, 2015. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25679762.
- Doni A., Musso T., Morone D., Bastone A., Zambelli V., Sironi M., Castagnoli C., Cambieri I., Stravalaci M., Pasqualini F., Laface I., Valentino S., Tartari S., Ponzetta A., Maina V., Barbieri S. S., Tremoli E., Catapano A. L., Norata G. D., Bottazzi B., Garlanda C. and Mantovani A. – An acidic microenvironment sets the humoral pattern recognition molecule PTX3 in a tissue repair mode. J Exp Med. 212: 6, 905-25, 2015. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25964372.