- 20/05/2015 Board certification in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, 70/70 cum laude
- 20/10/2009 Graduated in Medicine and Surgery, 110/110 cum laude
Teaching appointments
- 2022 Teaching in “Emergencies” course of the degree course in Medicine and Surgery, Humanitas University
- 2020-2021 Local trainer for the COVID-19 Skills Preparation Course (C19-SPACE)
- 2017-2018 Teaching in “Emergencies” and “Anesthesia” courses of the university degree in nursing, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
- 2016 Teaching for the Master in Intensive Care, “Acute respiratory failure” course, Università degli Studi di Milano
Academic background
2012-2014 Research fellowship at “Anesthesia Center for Critical Care Research”, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston (MA) under the mentorship of Professor Warren M Zapol
My main interests of research are respiratory physiology, mechanical ventilation, acute respiratory distress syndrome, ventilator-induced lung injury and strategies to prevent it, ex-vivo solid organ (liver and lung) perfusion to evaluate marginal organs for transplantation.
During the years I have achieved a solid expertise in set-up and conduction of preclinical animal research on small animals (mice, rats) and large animals (swine) and in clinical trials design and conduction.
- Protti A, Santini A, Pennati F, Chiurazzi C, Cressoni M, Ferrari M, Iapichino
GE, Carenzo L, Lanza E, Picardo G, Caironi P, Aliverti A, Cecconi M, Lung response to a higher positive end-expiratory pressure in mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19, CHEST (2021), doi:
- Santini A, Fumagalli J, Merrino A, Protti I, Paleari MC, Montoli M, Dondossola D, Gori F, Righi I, Rosso L, Gatti S, Pesenti A, Grasselli G, Zanella A. Evidence of Air Trapping During Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion: A Swine Experimental Lung Imaging and Mechanics Study. Transplant Proc. 2021; 53(1):457-465
- Santini A, Mauri T, Dalla Corte F, Spinelli E, Pesenti A. Effects of inspiratory flow on lung stress, pendelluft and ventilation heterogeneity in ARDS: a physiological study. Crit Care 23, 369 (2019)
- Langer T*, Santini A*, Zadek F, Chiodi M, Pugni P, Cordolcini V, Bonanomi B, Rosini F, Marcucci M, Valenza F, Marenghi C, Inglese S, Pesenti A, Gattinoni L. Intraoperative hypotension is not associated with postoperative cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients undergoing general anesthesia for surgery: results of a randomized controlled pilot trial. J Clin Anesth. 2019 Feb;52:111-118.* contributed equally to the study
- Protti A, Cressoni M, Santini A, Langer T, Mietto C, Febres D, Chierichetti M, Coppola S, Conte G, Gatti S, Leopardi O, Masson S, Lombardi L, Lazzerini M, Rampoldi E, Cadringher P and Gattinoni L. Lung stress and strain during mechanical ventilation: Any safe threshold? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011;183:1354–1367