Hunimed Language Centre
On this page, you will find all the useful information and documents for the language services offered by Hunimed Language Centre (HULC).

About Us
The growing and dynamic language centre of Humanitas University, established in 2015, plays a key role the University’s internationalisation strategies. It supports the diverse language learning needs of a thriving international, intercultural and multilingual Life Sciences community with the training of future health care professionals at its heart.
If you need to contact us, please send an email to Hunimed Language Centre at or call us on +39 0282245631. |
Curricular Language Courses
Year 1
The 30-hour course ‘English for Physiotherapy’ (3ECTS) introduces students to the discipline specific language required to communicate effectively in a healthcare environment and autonomously carry out research.
A support programme is also available for students who have not yet reached a B2 level of English.
English is taught over 3 years with the second and third year courses integrated into the practical training pathway.
Year 1
30-hour Institutional course (2 credits) which aims to develop everyday healthcare language commonly required to communicate effectively when working as healthcare professionals.
A 10-hour support course is also available for students who have not yet reached B1 of English.
Year 2
Practical Training in English (PTE).
During year 2, the students have the possibility of integrating their clinical skills with the language skills, through Bilingual skill labs and a Reading for Research Lab for a total of 20 hours
Year 3
Practical Training in English (PTE)
During year 3, the students work on patient communication in English and on Public Speaking and Presentation Skills.
36-hour institutional course (3 credits), which aims to develop healthcare language required to communicate effectively when working as healthcare professionals. Students also learn how to effectively present a scientific topic and they become more proficient in reading scientific texts in English.
A support course is also available for students who have not yet reached B1 of English.
Extra-curricular Language Courses
In an interconnected world, foreign language competences are a fundamental requisite and a key recommendation for Lifelong Learning in Europe. A high level of proficiency and diverse specialised skills are required to study, work and communicate effectively in an international scientific and medical community.
The language courses are specially designed and delivered by a team of expert teachers in order to support the diverse and specific language needs of our community.
Such varied and highly specialised courses are developed according to best learning and teaching practices through innovative, flexible delivery modes and aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (C.E.F.R.).
Cyclic extra-curricular language courses
Courses can also be arranged on request. We may not be able to offer fully homogeneous language class levels. However, all our teachers adopt inclusive teaching methods in a supportive learning environment to ensure that all class members make progress in their language learning.
To join a course, students are required to select the appropriate level for the courses through the Hunimed Language Lab self-assessment grid based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and enrol at
Open badge system available for some courses.
*Please note that the courses will take place depending on the number of enrolments for each course and at the discretion of the University.
General course details
English, French, German, Spanish
Native speakers
Communicative and interactive
See table and self-assessment grid
Edu platform and online with Zoom
Number of hours
12 for English
20 for French, German, Spanish
Check the courses that are scheduled for the I semester 2023-2024
Frequency and Time
Once a week
18.30-20.00/ 20.30
Places available
Progress certification
Open badge project (optional)
Italian as a Foreign Language
In addition to offering numerous foreign language courses, particular emphasis is placed on learning Italian to help our international students:
- adapt and settle into their new life in Italy
- maximise their University learning experience
- prepare for their clinical training placements in the hospital
For more information on the Italian language courses, check the activities dedicated to each degree course.
Open badge system available for some courses.
Italian Language Portfolio
Click here to complete your personal Language Portfolio and follow your progress with us!
Extra-curricular courses for Italian as a foreign language
- On-demand support course (basic-elementary)
- Plida B1-B2 Exam preparation
International Certification
Internationally recognized Language Certifications are an important tool for benchmarking language competencies and skills and are usually requested by healthcare entities in order to be considered for clinical placements, exchanges and employment opportunities.
Hunimed language centre offers preparation courses for IELTS, OET and PLIDA.
Please see below for more details about these certificates.
There are numerous exams that can be taken, but Hunimed offers PLIDA preparation courses in the second semester. PLIDA (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri) is an official and international certification issued by Sede Centrale della Società Dante Alighieri, which certifies the candidate’s competence in the Italian language based on the six CEFR levels.
Hunimed PLIDA courses: link EXTRAS
Sample tests
Test centre
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the world’s most popular English language test, recognised by more than 11,000 organisations worldwide and by leading European universities. It is designed to help you work, study or migrate to a country where English is the native language. The three main IELTS tests available are: Academic, General and UKVI. Click here for more information.
Your ability to listen, read, write and speak in English are assessed during the test. IELTS is graded on a scale of 1-9. Each grade corresponds to a CEFR level.
Humanitas University and the British Council are partners for the IELTS certification. Hunimed students wishing to take the IELTS examination can take advantage of both a discounted IELTS examination registration fee, and free access to the British Council online preparation course ‘Road to IELTS’ following enrollment/registration. Click here to get your PROMO CODE.
Sample test
Test centres
Language requirements to work in the UK
OET is an international English language test that assesses the language communication skills of healthcare professionals who seek to register and practise in an English-speaking environment. OET has been developed specifically for 12 healthcare professions and the tests reflect real workplace tasks and relevant language skills. The test covers all four language skills with an emphasis on communication in a healthcare environment. Hunimed organises OET preparation courses every academic year, in the second semester.
Sample test
Test centres
Language requirements to work in the UK
Resources for self-study
To be a successful language learner, you need to study inside and outside the classroom and develop the different competencies and skills. To move from one language level to the next, it may require at least 100 hours of study (this depends on the language, your language background and many other factors).
Check out these resources to help you in your language learning pathway: