What International Students Need to Know
In this page you will find all the useful information and documents needed when moving to Italy:
- Travelling
- Pre-Enrolment and Visa
- Tax Code Application
- First Residence Permit
- Residence Permit Renewal
- Municipality of Residence
- Health Insurance for EU Students
- Health Insurance for Non-EU Students
- Accommodation
- Learning Italian
If you need to get in contact with us, please send an email to international.office@hunimed.eu or call us on 02 8224 2486.
If you are looking for a moment to meet our staff individually, book your online appointment through the below link.

If you have sent your first residence permit application and you have been given the Postal receipt (ricevuta) you can travel with it.
Please, remember that travelling with ricevuta outside the Schengen area is permitted (whether it is for going back to your home country or to any other country of interest based on your Passport), while travelling within the Schengen area is possible only if your VISA is still valid.
If you have sent your residence permit renewal application and you have been given the Postal receipt (ricevuta) you can travel with it.
Please, remember that travelling with ricevuta outside the Schengen area is permitted, but you are not authorized to travel within the Schengen area.
You are authorized to travel to your home country and return to Italy with your valid passport and postal receipt, even if your visa and study permit have expired. Remember that you are not allowed to make layovers within the Schengen area.
Let’s make examples:
- Malek is a second-year student and comes from India. His study permit expired on December 1, but he has applied for renewal, thus keeping both the expired permit and the postal receipt. The fingerprint appointment has been set for January 14, and he wants to visit his family for Christmas. Even though the study permit has expired, Malek can return to his country. He will have to book nonstop flights in the Schengen Area. If the stopover is in another non-UE country, such as the United Arab Emirates, he will check that country’s travel laws regarding Indian nationals (if, for example, he needs a tourist visa to make a stopover). Upon return to Italy, if requested by the police at the border, he will show his passport, expired permit and postal receipt with the date of the fingerprint appointment.
- Malek himself, the following year decides to spend the Christmas vacation with some friends. They plan to go to Indonesia. Malek will need to check whether, based on his Indian passport, he will need any kind of visa to enter the country for tourist purposes. Once verified, he will book nonstop flights in the Schengen area. If the stopover is in another non-EU country, such as the United Arab Emirates, he will check that country’s travel laws with respect to Indian nationals (if, for example, a tourist visa is required to make a stopover). When returning from vacation in Italy, if asked by the police at the border, he will show his passport, expired permit, and postal receipts with the date of the fingerprinting appointment.
During these months, the Interior Ministry had established that students who submit their residence permit request/renewal can obtain a fingerprint appointment with more urgency than other applicants.
If possible, we suggest you wait for the appointment and then fly back home, as postponing it is not an easy process.
In order to postpone the appointment, you can try to phone the competent Local Police Station/ Police Headquarter (you can find it on the document you received at the Post Office) and ask to change your appointment date.
Pre-Enrolment and Visa
Starting from March 2021, pre-enrolment applications can be presented only through www.universitaly.it, the website designed by the Italian Education Ministry for international students who want to study in Italy and need a STUDY VISA.
Check how to submit your application
Our international office will verify and approves your application, if complete.
Please, remember that the approval of a pre-enrolment request by Humanitas is to be considered a support for the evaluation procedures for study visas. The decision on the issue of a visa for study purposes is the exclusive jurisdiction of the Italian Embassy or Consulate.
As soon as your pre-enrolment application is approved, the competent Italian Embassy or Consulate receives it. Only from that moment, you can apply for STUDY VISA for “University Enrolment”.
To obtain your “D” type STUDY visa you will be asked by the Italian Embassy/Consulate the following documents:
- Visa application form – check on your Embassy/Consulate website.
- Passport (valid for at least three months after the date of the visa expiry).
- Recent passport-size photograph.
- Economic resources (personal or parental economic guarantees): minimum of € 6.079,45 per year.
- Adequate insurance coverage for medical treatment and hospitalization.
- Necessary sum for repatriation, which can also be demonstrated by showing a return ticket.
- Suitable accommodation in Italy.
Please, check the Italian Embassy or Consulate website to verify how to book an appointment at their office.
The fixed deadline for applying for STUDY VISA is set for November 30th.
Tax Code Application
What is it?
The Italian Tax code is an alphanumeric code which allows Italian authorities to identify any person.
Having your own Tax code is indispensable, as you will need it for many operations: e.g. signing a rental contract, registering at Registry Office (Ufficio Anagrafe) and at the National Healthcare Service (SSN).
How can I obtain it?
If you are still in your home country, you can apply for it at the competent Italian Embassy or Consulate.
If you are already in Italy, you have to contact Agenzia delle Entrate (Revenue Agency).
Please download here the tax code application sample and the application form.
First Residence Permit
According to Italian Immigration Law (D.lgs. 25/07/1998, n. 286), non-EU citizens must apply for residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) within 8 working days from their arrival.
- Application is presented via the so-called KIT, an envelope in which you can find the application form (modulo 1) and a payment slip. Verify if the International Student Office have one for you. Alternatively, ask for it at one of the following Post Offices around Milan
- Fill in the application form (modulo 1) and the payment slip
- Prepare the required documents by following the key steps here and send your KIT at one of the above mentioned Post Offices
- At the Post Office you will be given a receipt and you will be assigned an appointment for fingerprints at Police Headquarter (link google maps – via Montebello, 26) (if you live outside Milan municipality e.g. Camplus) or at one of Police Stations (if you live within Milan municipality).
As the receipt certifies that your have applied for residence permit, it is extremely important not to lose it. You can use the codes you find on it to check your application status at the following page - About 1 month after the fingerprint appointment, you will receive a text message with information regarding day, time, and place where you can collect your electronic residence permit
- Your study permit will be valid for maximum 1 year: you must apply for Permesso di Soggiorno (Residence Permit) renewal each year
Q: Can I travel with the receipt?
While waiting for the fingerprint appointment, it is possible to travel back home. Regulation (EU) no.265 / 2010 provides that for all EU countries the foreigner who holds an entry visa for long-term reasons (work, family reunification…) has freedom of movement in all Schengen area countries up to three months (every semester) even if awaiting a residence permit, but only during the period of validity of the visa.
Q: Can I work with a residence permit for study reasons?
Yes, with your study permit you can be hired as a part-time worker – 20 hours per week (1,040 per year).
Residence Permit Renewal
When do I need to apply?
You can apply starting from 90 days before the expiry date of your residence permit and no longer than 60 days after the expiry date.
- At least 1 exam successfully passed for the first renewal
- At least 2 exams successfully passed for the following renewals
How do I apply?
You can ask for an application KIT at one of the following Post Offices
Fill in the KIT and payment slip (€70,46) and send it to the Post Office.
A black and white copy of the following documents must be included with your application:
- Passport (VISA + personal information page)
- Expiring residence permit (permesso di soggiorno)
- Evidence of adequate economic resources for living: minimum €6.000
- report of movements and updated balance of your bank account
- if the bank account is abroad, currency must be Euro anyway
- Humanitas enrollment certificate
- Transcript of records with proof of 1 exam successfully passed in case of the 1st renewal and 2 exams successfully passed for each following renewal
- Health insurance:
- if you have registered with Italian Health System you have to attach the receipt of payment of the voluntary contribution of € 700 (IMPORTANT: remember to write the year you are paying for on the payment slip)
- if you have private health coverage, you can attach the receipt of payment
Can I travel outside Italy with my receipt?
You can travel back to your home country, but you are not allowed to travel to other Schengen countries nor to stop for a flight connection in any of them.
Municipality of Residence
Registering as Permanent Resident
EU STUDENTS who wish to stay in Italy for a period exceeding 3 months should register with the Anagrafe (Register Office) of the Municipality of residence.
NON-EU STUDENTS are suggested to apply for the residency as well.
Registration does not per se imply that you lose your resident status in the country where you live. In other words, dual residence is possible (and it is also regulated by the law in most countries).
Since your stay in Italy will exceed the 12 months, you must register as a PERMANENT resident.
Following the registration, your Municipality will send an Urban Police Officer to check and confirm that you do reside there (put your name on the intercom and mailbox to facilitate the process).
How Can I Register?
Municipalities have adopted different registration methods.
It is possible to register ONLINE on the official website
- The service requires a registration.
- You must upload the required documents directly on the Municipality website.
COMUNE DI PIEVE EMANUELE – via Viquarterio, 1
- Registration can be done both online and at the office
- If you decide to proceed online, you can write to anagrafe@comune.pieveemanuele.mi.it attaching all the needed documents. Your request will be processed via email.
- Fill in this form following the dedicated sample.
COMUNE DI BASIGLIO – Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 1
- Registration can be done both online and at the office.
- If you decide to proceed online, write to the following email: anagrafe@comune.basiglio.mi.it attaching all the needed documents
- Fill in this form following the dedicated sample
COMUNE DI ROZZANO – Piazza Giovanni Foglia, 1
- Registration can be done both online and at the office
- If you decide to proceed online, write to the following email: residenze@comune.rozzano.mi.it attaching all the needed documents.
- Fill in this form following the dedicated sample
Which Documents Do I Need to Prepare?
Here the list of the documents to be attached to the residency request.
- Copy of valid passport / ID
- If already in possession, the Fiscal Code
- Enrollment Certificate from Humanitas University
- Self-declaration of possession of sufficient economic resources so as not to become a burden paid by the state social assistance. Here a sample to help you with the filling.
- Health risk coverage valid for at least one year. The European Health Card is not sufficient for the permanent residency request.
- House contract registered at the Revenue Agency and Declaration of Hospitality
- Copy of valid passport
- Copy of valid study permit / expired permit with postal receipts
- Fiscal Code
- House contract registered at the Revenue Agency or Declaration of Hospitality
- Health insurance valid for at least one year
Italian Identity Card
- Once you have completed your registration, you can obtain an Italian ID.
- The ID is issued by the Municipality exclusively in electronic format
- You must book an appointment HERE
- To have your ID issued, you will have to pay 22,20€ the day of the appointment
Health Insurance EU Students (European Economic Area and Switzerland included)
SHORT STAYS: the European Health Insurance card (EHIC)
If you are planning to stay in Italy for a short period (maximum 3 months), your EHIC card will be sufficient to freely access the Italian Health System (SSN).
The EHIC card is issued for free by national health insurance provider in your home country and certifies that you are entitled to receive medical treatment on a temporary stay abroad from public healthcare system of the host country.
LONG STAYS: registering with the Italian Health National System
If you move to Italy for more than 3 months, your EHIC card will not be sufficient: you should have with you S1 form, which proves that your health coverage was temporary moved to Italy.
Before travelling to Italy, contact your Health insurance authority, find the relevant Institution issuing the S1 form and obtain it. S1 form contains indications regarding the exact period you will spend in Italy.
With form S1, you can register with the Italian Health System for free and choose your General Practitioner by making an appointment at the nearest ASST office Scelta e revoca:
- If you live at Camplus/Pieve Emanuele/Rozzano/Basiglio make a phone call 02.999.599 (choose 4), Monday to Saturday 8:00-20:00, and book your access to “ACCESSO UFFICI SCELTA E REVOCA” at via dei Glicini (Rozzano).
- If you live in Milan, you can register at the following site: https://sr.asst-fbf-sacco.it/ords/f?p=105:2:11130928551682 and select ‘’Iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario Regionale – Studenti stranieri’’.
You also have the possibility to choose your GP from a list of available ones Our suggestion: as you cannot check if doctors can speak English, check at least their schedule, location, and age.
You will be enrolled to SSN for 1 year and you will be given a temporary health card: the following years you can renew your registration by carrying out the same procedure.
If you have any doubts, need assistance to apply for the Italian Health Care system on your behalf, please write an email to student.info@mysanmartino.org
If you have not requested and obtained S1 form before travelling to Italy, you can register with the Italian Health System (SSN) by paying the annual fee of 700€, like non-EU students. You will be enrolled for one calendar year (1st January – 31st December).
Here are the steps to follow to complete your registration:
1) Print the F24 Module and fill it as in attachment. You can pay at your bank or at the Postal Office by bringing the filled module. N.B. Do not lose the receipt of payment!
2) Make an appointment at the nearest Local Health Office – Ufficio scelta e revoca.
- If you live at Camplus/Pieve Emanuele/Rozzano/Basiglio make a phone call 02.999.599 (choose 4), Monday to Saturday 8:00-20:00, and book your access to “ACCESSO UFFICI SCELTA E REVOCA” at via dei Glicini (Rozzano).
- If you live in Milan, you can register at the following site: https://sr.asst-fbf-sacco.it/ords/f?p=105:2:11130928551682 and select ‘’Iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario Regionale – Studenti stranieri’’.
3) Fill in the registration form online and upload a scanned version of following documents:
- Passport
- Fiscal code
- Humanitas enrolment certificate
- Receipt of payment of 700 € for SSN subscription
- Self-certification of domicile/residency
- Filled module that you can find here: https://www.hunimed.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/REGISTRATION-FORM.pdf Here the sample: SSN ISCRIZIONE VOLONTARIA – FIRST REGISTRATION SAMPLE.pdf
You also have the possibility to choose your GP from a list of available ones Our suggestion: as you cannot check if doctors can speak English, check at least their schedule, location, and age.
Each year you will have to renew your registration by paying 700€ at the Post Office via payment slip.
The payment of 700 € for the renewal of the registration with the Italian Health National System can only be made starting from 1 January of the reference year. Example. It is not possible to pay the postal bulletin in December 2022 for the year 2023.
If you live in Milan, you can renew your registration online. You need to visit https://sr.asst-fbf-sacco.it/ords/f?p=105:2:11130928551682 and choose ‘’RINNOVO al Servizio Sanitario Regionale – Studenti stranieri’’.
Fill in the registration form online and upload a scanned version of following documents:
- Passport
- Fiscal code
- Humanitas enrolment certificate
- Receipt of payment of 700 € for SSN subscription
- Self-certification of domicile/residency
- Filled module that you can find here: https://www.hunimed.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/REGISTRATION-FORM.pdf. Here the sample: SSN ISCRIZIONE VOLONTARIA – RENEWAL SAMPLE.pdf
If you have any doubts, need assistance to apply for the Italian Health Care system on your behalf, please write an email to student.info@mysanmartino.org
Health Insurance Non-EU Students
In order to obtain a residence permit for study purposes, Non-EU students must present an individual health insurance.
There are three viable options:
- Private health insurance policy purchased before travelling to Italy
- Private health insurance policy purchased after the arrival in Italy
- Registration with the Italian National Health System (SSN)
You can subscribe to a private health insurance policy in your home country before travelling to Italy.
Remember that your policy must satisfy the following requirements:
- be in your name
- be valid for a period not inferior to your study Visa
- be approved by the Italian Embassy/Consulate and translated into Italian or English
Another available option is taking out a private health insurance upon arrival.
W.A.I (Welcome Association Italy) offers a convenient package: it costs €71 for a period of 6 months and €120 for 12 months.
Check the details on W.A.I official website
Another insurance company which provides solutions for international students is Aon
Being registered gives you the right to get the same medical services provided to Italian citizens. Above all, you will have the chance to choose a GP, who will visit you free of charge and who will refer you to specialists.
Non-EU students can voluntarily enroll and be registered for one calendar year (1st January – 31st December). Registration costs 700€ per year and it is not possible to pay for shorter periods.
Here are the steps to follow in order to complete your registration:
1) Print the F24 Module and fill it as in attachment. You can pay at your bank or at the Postal Office by bringing the filled module. Do not lose the payment receipt you will be given at the Post Office or at the Bank. You will put it in your KIT for residence permit application.
2) Make an appointment at the nearest Local Health Office – Ufficio scelta e revoca.
- If you live at Camplus/Pieve Emanuele/Rozzano/Basiglio make a phone call 02.999.599 (choose 4), Monday to Saturday 8:00-20:00, and book your access to “ACCESSO UFFICI SCELTA E REVOCA” at via dei Glicini (Rozzano).
- If you live in Milan, check in which Municipio you reside: https://sr.asst-fbf-sacco.it/ords/f?p=105:2.
Select the service you need and book an appointment at the nearest Ufficio Scelta e Revoca to your home address.
Here you can find a preview of the available offices.
5) Fill in the registration form as in the SSN ISCRIZIONE VOLONTARIA – FIRST REGISTRATION SAMPLE.pdf, and prepare a copy of the following documents for the appointment at Ufficio scelta e revoca:
- Valid Residence permit for study reasons or Postal office receipt for renewal
- Humanitas enrolment certificate
- Passport
- Residence permit application receipt
- Fiscal code
- Receipt of payment for SSN subscription
If you live in Milan, you can register at the following site: https://sr.asst-fbf-sacco.it/ords/f?p=105:2:11130928551682 and select ‘’Iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario Regionale – Studenti stranieri’’.
1) Fill in the registration form online and upload a scanned version of following documents:
- Valid Residence permit for study reasons or Postal office receipt for renewal
- Fiscal code
- Humanitas enrolment certificate
- Receipt of payment of 700 € for SSN subscription
- Self-certification of domicile/residency
- Filled module that you can find here: https://www.hunimed.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/REGISTRATION-FORM.pdf Here the sample: *SSN ISCRIZIONE VOLONTARIA – FIRST REGISTRATION SAMPLE.pdf
2) You also have the possibility to choose your GP from a list of available ones Our suggestion: as you cannot check if doctors can speak English, check at least their schedule, location, and age.
If you have any doubts, need assistance to apply for the Italian Health Care system on your behalf, please write an email to student.info@mysanmartino.org
Each year you will have to renew your registration by paying 700€ at the Post Office via the F24 Module.
You will need the payment slip for your residence permit renewal application (KIT) as well. To certify that you will be covered for the entire academic year, you will attach the ongoing registration (tessera sanitaria).
The payment of 700 € for the renewal of the registration with the Italian Health National System can only be made starting from 1 January of the reference year.
Example. It is not possible to pay the postal slip in December 2022 for the year 2023.
If you live at Camplus/Pieve Emanuele/Rozzano/Basiglio, the second step will take place at the nearest Local Health Office – Ufficio scelta e revoca. You will bring the SSN ISCRIZIONE VOLONTARIA – RENEWAL SAMPLE.pdf and a copy of the following documents:
- Humanitas enrolment certificate
- Passport
- Study permit application receipt
- Fiscal code
- Receipt of payment for SSN subscription
If you live in Milan, you can renew your registration online. You need to visit https://sr.asst-fbf-sacco.it/ords/f?p=105:2 and choose “RINNOVO al servizio sanitario regionale -studenti stranieri”
Fill in the registration form online and upload a scanned version of the following documents:
- Valid Residence permit for study reasons or Postal office receipt for renewal
- Fiscal code
- Humanitas enrolment certificate
- Receipt of payment of 700 € for SSN subscription
- Self-certification of domicile/residency
- Filled module that you can find here: SSN ISCRIZIONE VOLONTARIA – RENEWAL SAMPLE.pdf
If you have any doubts, need assistance to apply for the Italian Health Care system on your behalf, please write an email to student.info@mysanmartino.org
Mario Luzzatto Student House
The Mario Luzzatto Student House is named after Mario Luzzatto, an internationally well-known manager, artist and philanthropist. Opened in September 2018, the student accommodation is located within the University Campus. Students experience the dimension of integrated education, with the University, the Hospital and the Research Centre just a few steps away from the halls of residence.
Erasmus Play is a student housing search engine to find accommodation across Europe. It allows you to compare all available accommodations quickly and easily. In addition, you will be able to make a book safely, as all the accommodations are 100% verified.
The booking process is very simple:
- Select your destination and dates.
- Compare all available accommodations.
- Click and book safely and securely.
Learning Italian
This is a course for both absolute beginners and elementary students in self-learning mode, with lots of interactive activities – it can give you a kick start for your first contact with Italy and also if you intend to go on with your Italian studies.
Use your hunimed.eu or humanitas.it credentials if you have them.
For further information check the flyer or visit the Language Center page.