Institutional Bodies and Functions

The Statute, which was issued on 1 June 2014, identifies the main governing and management bodies of the University: the Rector, the Board of Directors, the President of the Board of Directors, the Managing Director, the Executive Committee, the Academic Senate, the General Manager and the main bodies.

The Board of Directors is the general governing and planning body of the University. It oversees the economic and financial management of the University.

The President of the Board of Directors is the legal representative of the University

The Managing Director determines the general criteria for the organisation of the offices in accordance with the directives issued by the Board of Directors, performs the functions delegated to him by the Board of Directors and replaces the President of the Board of Directors in the event of his absence or impediment, if a Vice President has not been appointed.

The Executive Committee performs the tasks determined by the Board of Directors

The Rector exercises the functions of policy-making, initiative and coordination of the University’s scientific and teaching activities, ensuring that they are consistent with the pursuit of institutional goals and in line with the University’s development strategies.

The Academic Senate is the scientific and educational governing body of the University. It collaborates with the Rector in guiding, planning and coordinating the University’s teaching and research activities. By taking into account the suggestions of the individual University departments, the Senate defines the scientific and teaching plans and their implementation as well as the allocation of resources and the recruitment of professors and researchers.

The General Manager is responsible for the administrative activities of the University, coordinates the organisation of services and technical-administrative staff and ensures the flow of information that allows the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee to take the relevant decisions. The General Manager may participate, without voting rights, in the meetings of the Board of Directors.

The main bodies are the Departments and the Research Centres.

Gianfelice Rocca, President
Ivan Colombo, Vice President
Luigi Maria Terracciano, Rector
Giorgio Ferrari, CEO
Piero Melodia, Board Member
Luciano Ravera, Board Member
Pierluigi Molajoni, Board Member
Alberto Mantovani, Board Member
Giusella Finocchiaro, Board Member
Carmelo Carlo-Stella, Faculty Representative
Bianca Fidato, Students’ Representative

Functions of the University

Management Structure

The Management (or management organisation) is responsible for implementing the objectives and programmes defined by the Board of Directors. It promotes and supports the scientific and teaching activities of the Department. Coordination between the management and discipline and verification bodies is ensured by the Rector’s Office.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The DPO has the function of monitoring, assessing and organising the management of personal data processing (and therefore their protection) so that they are processed in compliance with European and national privacy regulations. More specifically, the DPO consists of a team of professionals, each of whom with specific competences, who directs, supervises and advises on the correct approach to data protection issues with regard to legal-legal aspects and IT processes.

The DPO performs various tasks, such as: providing advice to the Data Controller (the Managing Director) and to all the organisation’s employees; constantly monitoring compliance with data protection legislation; verifying the compliance of processing operations; interacting with all the Functions involved in defining data protection processes and procedures;

In the event of data breaches, the DPO is promptly informed and acts as a point of reference in the management of such breaches; it cooperates with the Supervisory Authority and acts as a point of contact with the Authority and the stakeholders.

Legal & Compliance

The Legal & Compliance service provides technical and administrative support to the Academic Bodies and legal support to the other technical-administrative functions.

More specifically, it is responsible for: recruitment procedures and the administrative management of the careers of academic staff; dealing with affiliated hospitals for the performance of assistance and translational research activities by students and lecturers; proper implementation of institutional and commercial agreements signed by the University.

The Legal & Compliance service also acts as a reference and liaison structure for the correct application of privacy regulations.

Prevention and Protection Service

This service proposes guidelines and strategies to the General Management on the subject of health and safety in the workplace. It identifies and implements safety procedures and monitors and assesses risk factors, evaluating their extent. It proposes appropriate prevention and protection measures to those responsible and suggests control systems. The service is also responsible for making all members of the University aware about the prevention and safety rules in line with the health surveillance activities, providing, in agreement with the offices in charge, the appropriate training.

Operation Office

The Operation Office manages all the facilities relating to student services by coordinating the following offices:

  • Student Office: it manages all the processes related to the careers of those enrolled in pre- and post-graduate study courses, admission procedures and supports the academic structures in defining and managing the educational offer;
  • International Office: it follows international cooperation and mobility projects and programmes, also managing incoming and outgoing mobility, and supports international students in the entry phase;
  • Orientation Office: it provides orientation services for future students;
  • Language Lab: it organises language learning courses for students and teachers, also for language certifications;
  • Quality office: it ensures all processes related to the quality of teaching, research and services at the University;
  • Counselling: the counselling service provides psychological support to students in need and helps them deal with difficulties the studying method and time management;
  • Student Recreational activities: it organises cultural and sports projects within the University.

Information Technology

The Information Systems, Services and Information Technology Division is responsible for the management and development of the University’s Information Systems to support teaching, research and administrative-management processes.

The experts in the IT Division are responsible for promoting the most effective use of new technologies, overseeing the University ICT services and providing assistance and support to users.

The Division guarantees the development and improvement of information systems and enables users to access advanced technologies and new applications, information and services; it also promotes the acquisition and effective and efficient use of ICT infrastructures and technologies.

Communication and Web Office

The Communication Office ensures that adequate communication plans and tools are in place within and outside the University and implements image enhancement policies also through the use of social media. It ensures the planning and implementation of the University’s institutional events. It looks after and promotes the image of the University and its brand. It facilitates actions aimed at the social involvement of stakeholders. It deals with the press and manages press releases. It coordinates content creation with the web office, guaranteeing its alignment with the strategic plan; it also oversees all the institutional activities that are considered to be the third mission.

Marketing and Recruitment

The marketing and recruiting office is responsible for promoting training programmes through national and international recruitment activities, participating in trade fairs and dedicated events. It collaborates with the web office for the planning and management of web campaigns aimed at marketing and recruiting activities. This office also defines advertising campaigns aimed at acquiring new students and manages relations with external partners, websites, adv agencies, agent networks and foreign schools.

Facility Office

The Facility Management Office ensures the management and ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of buildings and their facilities, such as electrical, plumbing, lighting and air conditioning systems.

General Services

It supports the University in the management of general services relating to cleaning contracts, security services and canteen services and it coordinates cleaning, removals and building access. It provides maintenance services for buildings and equipment, supervises the University’s general services (goods collection, vending machines, photocopiers) and ensures their proper functioning.

Administration: Accounting & Controlling

This function defines and carries out administrative, accounting and financial processes in order to comply with the regulations in force with regard to bookkeeping, tax and social security regulations. This function also oversees the preparation of the management reports and the University Budget.

Mario Luzzatto Simulation Centre

The Centre organises and hosts all training activities in advanced medical simulation for the residents and specialists and coordinates with the Medical Office on simulation activities for students. The Centre is also responsible for preparing training products using advanced technologies such as simulators and robots.

Research Office

The Research Office promotes participation in competitive funding calls, increases the attractiveness of competitive funding through active collaboration with professors and researchers and manages the allocation of expenditure on public and private competitive funding in compliance with reporting rules.

Office for Medical Education

  • Develops and proposes the teaching methods used during the degree courses in light of its guiding principles and based on the evidence of national and international literature in Medical Education;
  • Collaborates with the lecturers in the preparation of the activities of the integrated courses and ensures that the teaching methods of the degree course are applied in these courses;
  • Conducts a training programme for faculty members and for doctors who are involved in the professionalisation activities and small-group teaching methodologies
  • Organises, coordinates and supervises the professionalising activities for the students, such as the allocation of tutors, ward attendance, simulation, outpatient clinics, laboratories;
  • Produces the teaching materials for the training of students in small group activities and in all professionalising activities (clinical cases, PBL, check-lists, case method …);
  • Coordinates with the doctors and lecturers to ensure the best possible functioning of the degree activities;
  • Supervises the planning of teaching activities in collaboration with the Student Office;
  • Interacts with individual students when individual intervention or supervision is required;
  • Supervises and evaluates the contents of the professional portfolio in collaboration with specific faculty members according to the semester/year of the portfolio;
  • Collaborates in the organisation of Erasmus project exchanges and international exchange projects in general;
  • Collaborates with the President of the Degree courses in review procedures and course evaluation analysis;
  • Contributes to the activities of open days, welcome days and to meetings and orientation activities for high school students;
  • Collaborates with the ICT service on the organisation and management of the Learning Management System regarding the general parts of the Degree courses, the integrated courses and the portfolio;
  • Collaborates with the Language Lab and the counselling service.

Didactics Support Office – Nursing

The Nursing degree of Humanitas University is organised according to national and international guidelines in order to provide students with innovative and high quality courses. The office is composed of nurses from the Humanitas Hospitals on partial or full secondment and meets all organisational, training and quality requirements of the three-year study pathway. These roles participate in the planning and implementation of supplementary academic training courses and training events relevant to the health and social-health field, also in collaboration with the Medicine and Physiotherapy Degree courses, with the Humanitas Group facilities and other stakeholders.

Didactic Support Office – Physiotherapy

The didactic tutor provides guidance to students to enable them to actively participate in the training process and prepares a suitable internship context, agreeing with the internship sites on suitable conditions for the students’ learning and their integration.

To achieve these objectives, the tutor promotes activities aimed at developing the students’ professional and relational skills through innovative teaching methodologies. It facilitates the students’ critical re-elaboration of their placement experience, stimulating self-assessment and contributing to the student’s certification assessment.

Finally, it implements initiatives tailored to the individual students’ aptitudes and needs.


  • It deals with bibliographic research and checking and it organises the library’s spaces and activities. It coordinates and manages user-oriented services such as:
    – in-house lending
    – bibliographic consultancy
    – training in the use of resources and services;
  • It manages databases dedicated to the scientific publications of those affiliated with Humanitas University. It periodically reports on the status of the University library system, the collection of data and statistical indicators, also for dissemination to external bodies (Nucleo di Valutazione, MIUR….). Additionally, it provides support during the evaluation processes of research and third mission activities.

Advisory, Disciplinary and Verification Bodies

International Advisory Board I is an external body composed of international members who are experts in the university’s fields of activity. The board expresses opinions and assessments on matters which are submitted to it by the President or the Board of Directors or the Rector.

The Disciplinary Board is in charge of conducting the preliminary investigation phase of disciplinary proceedings against professors and researchers that entail more serious sanctions than censure, and of expressing an opinion to be submitted to the Board of Directors.

The Evaluation Board continuously and systematically verifies the University’s performance in organisation, research and teaching activities and ensures the overall quality of the processes, contributing to the improvement of the internal self-assessment system and the promotion of merit.

The Board of Auditors monitors the accounting and administrative management of the University and ensures compliance with the principles of proper administration and with the relevant regulations.

The Student Council is the body representing the students of the University. It is an advisory body of the University and coordinates the activities of the student representatives.


Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.