Faculty Representatives
The Statute and the University Regulations define the participation of Faculty representatives in the Governing bodies.

The Faculty representatives are members of the following Governing bodies and structures of the University:
- The Board of Directors
The University’s governance and general planning body which defines the Strategic Guidelines in terms of guidance and quality monitoring tasks. The Board of Directors consists of:
- five representatives designated by the promoting bodies. The latter appoint the Chairman and the Managing Director;
- the Rector;
- one Full Professor of the University;
- one fully-registered student at the time of the nomination
For more information please consult the Statute.
- The Academic Senate
The University’s scientific and educational governing body which collaborates with the Rector in directing the implementation of the Strategic Guidelines within the relevant bodies. The Senate is also responsible for planning and coordinating the University’s teaching and learning activities and research, defining the scientific and educational proposals and their delivery, the allocation of resources, and the recruitment of professors and researchers. The Academic Senate consists of:
- the Rector, who chairs it, and the Deputy Vice-Rector, who chairs the Senate in the event of the Rector’s absence or impediment;
- the Presidents of the degree programs and doctorates as well as a representative of the Directors of the Specialization Schools;
- the Directors of Departments and Research Centers;
- one representative of the researchers and PhD students;
- one representative of the students
For more information please consult the Statute.
Elections of the Teachers’ Representatives in the Governing Bodies
The University regulations provide for the elections for the following Teachers’ Representatives:
- 1 representative of the Full Professors in the Board of Directors
- 1 representative of the Researchers in the Academic Senate
The procedure for the election of the Teachers’ Representatives in the Governing Bodies is specified in the Regulations for the Elections of the Representatives in the University Bodies.Bando
- Prof. Carmelo Carlo-Stella as representative of Full Professors in the Board of Directors
- Dott. Massimiliano Greco as representative of the Researchers in the Academic Senate
Representatives of Full time Professors in the Board of Directors
Among the elected members of the Board of Directors, Humanitas University’s Statute provides for a representative of the Full time Professors working at the University. The representative of the Full time Professors in the Board of Directors remains in office for three consecutive years and can be re-elected.
Entitled to run for the elections: full and associate Professors working at the University at the time of the elections, who are not in a position of incompatibility and are not members of the Board of Directors by right.
Entitled to vote: full Professors and Researchers as well as Professors and Researchers on fixed-term contracts, according respectively to Art. 1, paragraph 12 of the Law 230/2005 and Art. 24, paragraph 3 of the Law 240/2010, have the right to vote.
Representative of the Full Professors currently elected to the Board of Directors: Prof. Carmelo CARLO-STELLA
Researchers’ Representative in the Academic Senate
Among the members of the Academic Senate, the Statute of Humanitas University provides for a representative of the Researchers working at the University. The Researchers’ Representative remains in office for two years and may be re-elected once.
Entitled to run for the elections: researchers, including those on temporary contracts, working at Humanitas University at the of the elections, whose termination date in the University due to age limit or expiry of contract is after the date of expiry of the mandate.
Entitled to vote: researchers, including those on temporary contracts, working at the University at the time of the elections.
Researchers’ Representative currently elected to the Academic Senate: Dr. Massimiliano GRECO