International Mobility
Humanitas University exchange programs provide students with an opportunity to study in a different country and environment experiencing the history and culture of another country, as well as meeting new friends to enrich their personal development. International exchange programs are also effective to challenge students to develop a global perspective.
For OUTGOING students:
For INCOMING students:
International Office Contact |
Tel: 02 8224 2486 Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 |
Erasmus+ is the EU programme that allows students to perform courses, exams, theses, research, laboratory and clinical experience in European partner universities with subsequent academic recognition of the activities in the student’s career. The main aim of the programme is to give students the opportunity to improve the knowledge of a foreign language and promote the development of the European society through studying and training in an intercultural context.
SEMP PROGRAM – the Swiss-European mobility program (SEMP) – supports mobility to and from Switzerland and is therefore activated with universities in countries participating in Erasmus+ and holding the Erasmus Charter. Thanks to the SEMP, both the costs of outgoing mobility and those of foreign participants in Swiss (incoming) mobility projects are financed from federal funds. SEMP mobilities are subject to the guidelines of the Swiss national agency Movetia and depend on the number of grants made available each year.
During the mobility abroad, students remain enrolled at their University and do not have to pay any tuitions or fees to the host university (except for possible secretarial costs). In order to finance the period of stay abroad within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, the European Union assigns a study grant to each selected candidate. Although it does not cover all expenses, it can help cover additional costs such as travel expenses or living expenses in the host country.
The amount of the monthly instalment of the EU grant is established yearly by the Erasmus+ National Agency. Moreover, since Humanitas University is promoting the mobility abroad, an additional grant is offered to all students awarded by Erasmsu+ or SEMP grant, so that HU doubles the amount received by students. Special contributions for disabled persons may also be assigned on ad-hoc national funds.
- Convenzione Erasmus 2022-1-IT02-KA131-HED-000055079
- Hunimed Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027 (EN)
- Hunimed Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 (EN)
- Carta Erasmus Hunimed 2014-2020 (ITA)
- Hunimed Erasmus Policy Statement 2021-2027 (EN)
- Hunimed Erasmus Policy Statement 2014-2020 (EN)
- Erasmus+ Student Charter (EN)
- Carta dello Studente Erasmus+ (ITA)
Erasmus+ for STUDY
Call for Applications | Erasmus for STUDY
Experience to be run during the 5th year of Medical School.
- Université de Angers, Angers, France
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Erasmus+ for TRAINEESHIP
Call for Applications | Erasmus for TRAINEESHIP
2-month experience to be run in universities, hospitals, or research centers. Proposed destinations are addressed to different Degree courses and specific school years.
Moreover for 5th and 6th year students it is valid for “tirocinio pratico-valutativo abilitante ai fini dell’Esame di Stato”.
Possible destinations:
- UNIVERSITY FRANCISCO DE VITORIA (SPAIN) | 1 PLACE for students from 3rd year
- UNIVERSITY PARIS SACLAY (FRANCE) | 1 PLACE for students from 5th year
- UNIVERSITY OF ANGERS (FRANCE) | 1 PLACE for students from 3rd year
- UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ (AUSTRIA) | 1 PLACE: from 5th year. During July and August SUMMER SCHOOLS IN PEDIATRICS and CARDIOLOGY + 1 week in the hospital, run in English.
- UNIVERSITY OF LOSANNE (SWITZERLAND) | 2 PLACES for students from 4th year financed by SEMP GRANT
Open to Medicine and MEDTEC students from 5th year are a short-term physical mobility abroad (1 week) combined with a compulsory virtual component facilitating a collaborative online learning exchange and teamwork.
(BIP) in Geriatrics online lectures starting in June 2025, mobility 14th of July to 18th of July of 2025.
Application process
a. Submit the application formStudents who wish to undertake a period of study abroad within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, will find all the information on prerequisites and procedures in the annual HU Erasmus call. The selection is based on the career track and a mandatory interview. Candidates are selected by a specifically designated Committee, which will assess:
The date and venue of the selection interviews are indicated in the Erasmus call for application. |
b. Receive HU confirmationThe final rankings of the selection interviews (selected candidates and waiting lists) will published in the website. Selected candidates will be also informed by email. Successful candidates will be invited to consult the website of the Host University, for information on courses, application procedures, student accommodation services, etc. The selected candidates can always withdraw from the programme. In this case the candidate is kindly requested to promptly email the Erasmus Office ( Immediate notification means other students will have an opportunity to go abroad. |
c. Before your departureFill in your Learning Agreement (LA) LA contains the educational activities that the student is expected to complete abroad. Before the departure, the student must always agree on the content of the LA with the Erasmus coordinator of his/her degree course at the sending University. The Erasmus Office will send a scanned copy of the document by e-mail to the Host Institution for approval and countersigning by the relevant Coordinator. It is the responsibility of the Host Institution to e-mail the document back to our Erasmus Office as well as to the departing student. In order for the Learning agreement to be considered valid, it must be approved both by the Home Institution and by the Host Institution.
Sign the Mobility Agreement The selected candidates will receive by email the Mobility Agreement stating the conditions related to the period of study to be undertaken. The original Mobility Agreement must be signed and sent to the Erasmus Office. The office will submit the document to the chancellor for signature. Language support The European Commission offers Erasmus + students free online language courses through the “Online Linguistic Support” (OLS). The Erasmus Office will provide the selected students with a login and a password to access the OLS platform. Payment of the Erasmus grant More information on this topic will be available soon. During the mobility abroad, the students remain enrolled at Humanitas University and do not have to pay any tuitions or fees to the host university (except for possible secretarial costs). |
Travel Grant
Travel Grants are scholarships offered by HU aimed at funding thesis, research or clerkship projects abroad. Students will be considered eligible from the 2nd year. Projects can be developed by students with foreign institutions directly or institutions proposed by Humanitas University. In the latter case, students can be requested to meet further requirements concerning their academic careers.
How to Apply
Interested students should present a short summary of the project to the President of the Degree Course. A commission of professors will evaluate the merit and quality of the project. After the evaluation, the Commission will decide whether the project has the merit to be funded or not.
Each project deemed satisfactory for quality and education goals will be funded on the basis of estimated travelling, board and lodging costs up to the limits specified in the annual call.
Travel Grant annual calls for proposals
Travel Grant Call a.y 2023/2024
Travel Grant Call – Partner Universities a.y 2023/2024
Students Selection
If the number of admitted projects will exceed the available funds, Travel Grants funds will be allocated to students according to rules as follows:
- students of the higher years (4th, 5th, 6th) will be considered first;
- students participating for the first time will be considered prior to students already assigned with travel grants fund in the previous academic years;
- students who have been travel grant assignee twice or more are not allowed to take part in this call;
- grades and CFU acquired will be considered if a further selection among students is needed.
Documents to be provided before leaving
For approved projects, students must provide the International Student Office with the letter of acceptance issued by the foreign Institution. Projects without an acceptance letter will be disqualified.
Selected students will be entitled of fixed allowance whose amount is related to the country where the project will take place. The amounts of the allowance are reported in the annual Call.
The allowance will be paid after the completion of the project on the basis of:
- final report of the project to be drawn up and provided to the University within 3 weeks after the end of the experience
- certificate of staying released by the hosting institution
- joining the Travel Grant Program debriefing meeting to discuss about the experience and further improvements
Students Exchange Agreements
Western University, London, Canada
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA
Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil
University of Sao Paulo Medical School FMUSP, San Paolo, Brasil
DY Patil University, Navi Mumbai, India
AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO)
University of Helsinki, Finland
WOLFSON Medical Center, Israel
College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University (TMU), Taiwan
Northwest School of Medicine, Peshawar, Pakistan
University of Illinois Chicago, USA
To send your application, please book an appointment with our International Office at
Erasmus Office Contact |
Tel: 02 8224 2486 Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 |
Erasmus+ is the EU programme that allows students to perform courses, exams, theses, research, laboratory and clinical experience in European partner universities with subsequent academic recognition of the activities in the student’s career. The main aim of the programme is to give students the opportunity to improve the knowledge of a foreign language and promote the development of the European society through studying and training in an intercultural context.
During the mobility abroad, students remain enrolled at their University and do not have to pay any tuitions or fees to the host university (except for possible secretarial costs). In order to finance the period of stay abroad within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, the European Union assigns a study grant to each selected candidate. Although it does not cover all expenses, it can help cover additional costs such as travel expenses or living expenses in the host country.
The amount of the monthly installment of the EU grant is established yearly by the Erasmus+ National Agency. Special contributions for disabled persons may also be assigned on ad-hoc national funds.
- Hunimed Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027 (EN)
- Hunimed Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 (EN)
- Carta Erasmus Hunimed 2014-2020 (ITA)
- Hunimed Erasmus Policy Statement 2021-2027 (EN)
- Hunimed Erasmus Policy Statement 2014-2020 (EN)
- Erasmus+ Student Charter (EN)
- Carta dello Studente Erasmus+ (ITA)
Erasmus+ agreements
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria Madrid, Spain (Erasmus code: E MADRID28)
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain (Erasmus code: EBARCELO24)
Université de Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland (Erasmus code: CH lausann01)
Erasmus+ for incoming students Partners Universities
Exchange students for the International Medicine Program (entirely taught in English) must have:
- A very good command of English (level B1 or above within the CEFR framework)
- A very good command of Italian (level B1 or above), to be able to talk with the patients
- At least 3 years of study at a study program in Medicine
- Ability to take medical history and to perform a physical examination of a patient
You need to supply us with an official certificate from your home university, stating your scale English/Italian proficiency.
Study Options
Exchange students can apply for the following type of courses/rotations:
- Medical school (read here the Medicine study plan with related ECTS for each exam)
- Clinical rotations; designed to fit the needs of incoming exchange students for the Medical School. Clinical rotations are offered throughout the academic year (September – June) in accordance with this timetable.
Semester dates and exams
The University runs a two-semester system. Please note the length of each semester (below) before applying for any Erasmus mobility for study.
Semester I (Fall Semester): October to January (4 months) |
Semester II (Spring Semester): March to May (3 months) |
Exam Session
There are two exam sessions during the academic year:
Winter exam session: January/February |
Summer exam session: June/July and September |
Students may enrol for exams by logging into the University portal by the deadline established by the academic staff. Login credentials are provided by the Erasmus Office at the beginning of the stay. Information on lectures timetables and examination dates are available on the University portal.
Incoming students application process
Erasmus Office Contact |
Tel: 02 8224 2486 Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 |
Humanitas USMLE&More Program
To promote a process of curricular comparison with other systems of medical education and to help students that would like to practice medicine in the United States, Humanitas University has organized the USMLE&More program.
The program involves a progressive exposure to the content and type of question format of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)
The activities of the program are also open to medical students and residents coming from other Universities.
For information, please write to
USMLE: access medical training in the US
Medical students or Medical Doctors who qualified outside the US, must become ECFMG-certified (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) in order to train and work in the US. They must also pass the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) exam series in order to become certified and apply for any clinical training as residency programs, fellowships or even clinical rotations in a hospital.
Step 1: Pre-clinical skills
Step 2 CK: Clinical Knowledge
Step 2 CS: Clinical Skills
Pre-clinical skills |
Clinical Knowledge |
Clinical Skills |
Test-yourself day for 1st year students: students can test themselves with USMLE-style questions on the subjects covered during the first year (anatomy, embryology, biochemistry, genetics) and discuss the correct answers with professors.
Test yourself day for 2nd year students: students can test themselves with USMLE-style questions on the subjects covered during the second year (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, pathology and microbiology) and discuss the correct answers with professors.
4-days-intensive (for students of the 3rd and 4th year): the program includes a presentation of the US medical education system and licensing program, detailed information on ECFMG and registration to the USMLE steps, and hands-on tests, see below.
Medical Education in the United States |
The USMLE Step Examination |
How to register |
Test preparation resources |
Generating and utilizing study materials |
Creating a studying schedule |
Test taking strategies |
On the day of Step Exam |
Applying to Residency in USA |
Shaping the future: the best 3 scenarios for your residency |
Working on test question in small groups |
Supervised revision of answers |
USMLE STEP 1 week-end program
(for students of the 5th year and 6th year): this part of the USMLE &More program takes place during week-ends and includes revision and testing of some high yield topics included in STEP 1 licensing exam. “ Step 1 assesses whether you understand and can apply important concepts of the sciences basic to the practice of medicine, with special emphasis on principles and mechanisms underlying health, disease, and modes of therapy. Step 1 ensures mastery of not only the sciences that provide a foundation for the safe and competent practice of medicine in the present, but also the scientific principles required for maintenance of competence through lifelong learning. Step 1 is constructed according to an integrated content outline that organizes basic science material along two dimensions: system and process” from
2019-2020 High-yield topics
Cardiovascular system 1 |
Cardiovascular system 2 |
Respiratory System |
Renal & Urinary Systems |
Microbiology-antibiotics |
Gastrointestinal system 1 |
Gastrointestinal system 2 |
Reproductive system |
Neurology and mock test |
USMLE STEP 2CK week-end program
(for students of the 6th year): this part of the USMLE &More program takes place during week-ends and includes revision and testing of some high yield topics included in STEP 2 licensing exam. Step 2 CK licensing exam “…assesses an examinee’s ability to apply medical knowledge, skills, and understanding of clinical science essential for the provision of patient care under supervision and includes emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. Step 2 CK ensures that due attention is devoted to principles of clinical sciences and basic patient-centered skills that provide the foundation for the safe and competent practice of medicine under supervision. Test questions focus on the principles of clinical science that are deemed important for the practice of medicine under supervision in postgraduate training …” from
2019-2020 High-yield topics
Gastrointestinal 1 |
Gastrointestinal 2 |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
Pediatrics |
ER/Surgery |
Cardiovascular & Respiratory 1 |
Cardiovascular & Respiratory 2 |
Renal & Urinary System |