Opening of the Residency School in Neurosurgery at the Humanitas
On 7th November Professor Manfred Tschabitscher gave his lecture during the opening ceremony of Humanitas University Neurosurgery School.
The event was chaired by Professor Franco Servadei, full professor in neurosurgery and program director, Dr. Maurizio Fornari, Head of the department of Neurosurgery at Humanitas Research Hospital, and introduced by Prof. Federico Pessina, Associate Professor in Neurosurgery at Humanitas University.
The ceremony brought together many personalities from the world of Italian academic neurosurgery, as well as residents from various Italian neurosurgical schools (7 Schools from Lombardy and Piedmont regions), together with a large group of students and colleagues from other specialties.
Prof. Marco Montorsi, Rector of Humanitas University, Prof. Marco Fontanella, former President of the Italian Neurosurgery Society and Professor Michela Matteoli, Director of Humanitas Neurocenter, spoke on the importance of training focusing particularly on the aspects of multidisciplinarity, surgical training and the Mission of the Institutions.
In conclusion, the Magistral Lecture held by Prof. Manfred Tschabitscher, undisputed world authority in the field of neuroanatomy and faculty member of Hunimed, highlighted the need for deep, systematic and multi-dimensional knowledge of anatomy as a starting point for the training of each surgeon. According to Tschabitscher’s experience, it is anatomy that supports a constant and conscious growth of surgical capabilities, allowing progress towards the treatment of the most complex pathologies while minimizing the post-operative risks in patients.
The meeting of 7th November was the first of several meetings planned for the academic year 2018- 2019 for all residents in Neurosurgery in the name of an increasingly holistic and shared training.