Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a mental training practice focused on “the now” that can help with:

  • Slowing down your thoughts;
  • Letting go of negativity;
  • Calming down body and mind;
  • Accepting your feelings and sensations without judgment.

Even though there are different techniques, this practice generally includes deep breathing and a state of mental and physical awareness. The only things you will need to practice are a comfortable place to sit, a few minutes of free time – even just 3 or 5 – and a nonjudgmental mindset. You do not need anything else.

How to practice

If you want to get started on your own, we recommend following the steps below:

  • Get comfortable:  Choose a comfortable, quiet place and sit in a chair or on the floor. Your head, neck, and back should be straight, but not stiff. You can sit anywhere and wear whatever you want, even though comfortable clothing is less distracting.
  • Use a timer: To avoid thinking about time, we recommend getting a timer. Please note that it is not a necessary tool, though. A timer can help you focus and avoid meditating for too long. Start slowly, with a 5-minute session, and then increase it by 10 or 15 minutes progressively, as soon as you feel ready. When your alarm rings, make sure to get up gradually.
  • Focus on breathing: Be aware of your breath, and feel the air entering your body and leaving it afterward. Pay attention to its movements, from the nostril down to your belly, and from there to the nostrils again.
  • Notice your thoughts: You should not be worried about stopping your thoughts. You do not have to ignore, or suppress them. Note them, and remain calm by using your breathing. Your thoughts are like clouds. Watch them passing by.
  • Do not be too hard on yourself: If you feel lost in your thoughts, give yourself a break. Focus, without judgment, and return to your breathing.

If you need external support, an online app can be a useful tool to guide you through the practice of mindfulness meditation.


Mindfulness meditation, when practiced regularly, is beneficial to:

  • Reduce the symptoms of stress (in healthy individuals), anxiety, depression, and chronic pain;
  • Reduce heart rate, promoting heart health;
  • Improve immunity and the body’s resistance to falling ill;
  • Improve sleep quality.

This does not mean that you should practice every day – even 3-4 times a week is enough to experience the benefits of this mental training practice.

Bringing Mindfulness Into Your Everyday Life

Mindfulness can be included in many activities you do daily. For example, while you brush your teeth, you can feel your feet on the floor, or your arm moving up and down. While doing the dishes, you can focus on the feeling of the water over your hands. You can focus on your breathing while exercising. These are just some examples of how you can integrate this practice into your daily routine.


The idea of getting started with mindful meditation can be scary, but you should remember that even a few minutes of practice can do great things for your body and mind. Try to be more present in “the now”.


Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.